At Canada Police Preparation, our Ontario law enforcement and human resources recruitment professionals teach police constable applicants how to understand and improve their competitiveness in the recruitment process. We work with you one-on-one, offering the following services:

• Development of your overall application, resume, cover letter, volunteer experience, police-related courses, and employment history in an organized and structured format. This demonstrates your transferable skills and matches exactly what a police service desires in an applicant.

• Gaining a full understanding of each evaluated category an applicant is screened against, and helping you fluently express your strengths, experience, and knowledge to be your competitive best.

• Preparation for each recruitment stage, including Local Focus, Essential Competency, and Blended interviews.

• Providing LFI and ECI interview questions, teaching you the underlying principles, defining the essential competencies, and helping you develop your answers.

• Teaching you how to express your life experience while taking accountability for any negative past decisions you may have made.


The Canada Police Preparation Team

Ontario Police Preparation Curriculum -

Contact 647-627-8397 for course registration

  Section 1. Understanding the Recruitment Process and Prepararing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Developing your Application
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Resume development
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 1.2- OACP
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Submission of Your Application
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Primary Local Focus Questions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Local Focus Interview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  S.T.A.R Format - Transferable skill Local Focus Interview questions and answers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Essential Competency Interview (E.C.I.)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  ECI Interview ( New competencies - Windsor, Halton)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Board Interview
Available in days
days after you enroll

Police Constable / Special Constable Application Development

Corrected grammar:

Learn about the 10 categories used to assess applicants and what makes a candidate competitive. Each category is defined and expressed through marking rubrics, helping recruits understand the structure and format their application should take in order to express their knowledge, skills, and experience to fulfill each requirement. Recruits are taught how to articulate their transferable skills and past jobs, forming the basis of the Local Focus Interview preparation and application development.

1.2 Physical evaluation: At this stage, an applicant should be able to achieve level 7 on the 20m shuttle run and complete the PREP test safely in under 2 minutes and 37 seconds. Recruits are provided with the audio for the 20m shuttle to practice.

Free bi-weekly group sessions are conducted in the summer in the Peel Region. Please see our Instagram account (@OntarioPolicePreparation) for updated dates. PREP practice sessions are conducted semi-monthly in the Peel Region.


  • The pre-background questionnaire is reviewed, and a discussion of the recruit's past police interactions, employment, and educational history is conducted. Integrity, transparency, and honesty are essential at this stage. All disclosed information is confidential and destroyed after review. Recruits are taught how to express their past negative life experiences while demonstrating personal growth and accountability. Emphasis on transparency and honesty is maintained in this stage. You will be provided with the means to conduct your own personal background check on yourself to better articulate your past in your upcoming interview.

Application & Resume


Recruits will be given a structured format to outline their education, employment, training and volunteer experience as it relates to the 10 categories of assessment. This will consist of an organized package format including, but not limited to, a cover letter, resume, training and volunteer documents. Templates and fictional packages of competitive applicants are provided. The final product produced by a recruit will be reviewed by our human resources recruitment team.

2.1. Resources are introduced to the recruit in the form of free police-related courses from credible sources on topics such as Mental Health, LGBTQ awareness and Domestic Violence. Volunteer placement resources are also introduced if the recruit is not currently volunteering

OACP Certification, Study Guide and Practice Exams

3.1. OACP Certification: The OACP certificate is valid for one year from the date of issue. The OACP process starts after the recruit's application has been finalized. A study guide consisting of hundreds of practice questions, similar to those found in the OACP exam, is provided. The psychological component of the OACP is also reviewed with the recruit.

Local Focus Interview

Local Focus Interview: Applicants will be provided with questions and successful answers for local focus interview questions. Stage 1 provides the recruit with a strong foundation of how an applicant is assessed. You are then provided with a more detailed outline of how to express your past knowledge, skills, and abilities as they relate to the 10 categories of assessment. 1-2 hour mock interviews can be arranged at an additional cost.

Essential Competency Interview

Essential Competency Interview: All five competencies are reviewed with the candidate. They are defined and all potential means of testing an applicant for each category are reviewed. Candidates will be able to effectively articulate a past experience that clearly demonstrates the essential competency being assessed. Questions and successful examples are provided. Candidates will then draft their own examples which will be refined by our recruitment team. One to two-hour mock interviews can be arranged at an additional cost.

Psychological Test & Interview

Psychological assessment and interview. MMPI psychological assessment is reviewed and the correct mindset is taught which is to be used in order to reflect the competencies of a successful candidate. Candidates will not be coached on how to circumvent the psychological assessment or interview. 

Board Interview and Background Invesrigation

Background investigation is reviewed