Canada Police Preparation and its recruitment programs are designed and taught by currently serving Canadian law enforcement officers and human resources recruitment professionals. Our programs are tailored to each Canadian province and their respective police services. Students learn how their competitiveness is assessed and are guided through each police service's recruitment process. They are taught how to align their knowledge, skills, and experience with what police services desire in an applicant. This is achieved through the development of the candidate's overall application, including the resume, cover letter, volunteering placements, professional development courses, and fitness programs.

Students also learn how to articulate their transferable skills through extensive interview preparation, which covers Local Focus Assessments, Local Focus Interviews, Essential Competency interviews, and Psychological Assessments. Applicants are guided through all interview styles and taught the underlying principles of competencies to provide successful interview answers. Moreover, students learn how to express their life experiences while taking accountability for any negative past decisions they might have made.

Congratulations on taking the first steps toward your law enforcement career!

Canada Police Preparation Team